roofless |
combined form of roof. |
rooftop |
the roof of a building, esp. its upper surface. |
rooftree |
a horizontal beam running the length of a roof at its peak; ridgepole. |
rook1 |
a black European bird, related to and resembling the crow, that nests in treetops in flocks. [2 definitions] |
rook2 |
a chess piece that can move over any number of empty squares sideways or forward and backward; castle. |
rookery |
a breeding and nesting place for rooks. |
rookie |
a beginner, esp. a professional athlete in his or her first season on a team. [2 definitions] |
room |
space that is occupied or available for occupation. [6 definitions] |
room and board |
lodging and meals, as provided by a boarding house, dormitory, or the like. |
room clerk |
a hotel or motel clerk who registers guests at the front desk, sorts mail, provides information, and the like. |
roomer |
a person who lives in a rented room; lodger. |
roomette |
a small private sleeping compartment on a train. |
roomful |
the amount or number that a room can hold. |
rooming house |
a small commercial establishment that rents furnished rooms, and sometimes provides meals, to lodgers. |
roommate |
one who shares another's room or lodgings. |
room temperature |
a comfortable indoor temperature or the temperature prevailing indoors without excessive heating or chilling. |
roomy |
having ample room; large; spacious. |
roost |
a perch on which birds, esp. domesticated fowl, rest or sleep, or a place or enclosure provided with such perches. [3 definitions] |
rooster |
an adult male chicken or other fowl; cock. |
root1 |
the part of a plant that usu. grows underground, absorbs water and nutrients, and attaches the plant to the soil. [11 definitions] |
root2 |
to dig or turn over soil, often with the snout or nose, as a pig. [4 definitions] |