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rose oil an essential oil obtained from roses; attar of roses.
roseola a rose-colored rash, such as rubella.
rose quartz a pink or rose-colored variety of quartz, used as a gemstone.
roseslug the larva of any of certain sawflies, which feeds on rose leaves.
Rosetta stone an inscribed stone tablet found near Rosetta, Egypt, in 1799 that bears parallel legends in Greek as well as ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic and demotic scripts, thus enabling the first deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphics. [2 definitions]
rosette any of various objects that resemble a rose by being circular and segmented, such as a badge made of gathered ribbon, an architectural ornament, or one of a leopard's spots.
rose water a tincture of water with attar of roses, used in perfume, cosmetics, and cooking.
rose window a circular window, usu. with stained glass panes and a radiating, rose-shaped tracery in a symmetrical pattern around the center.
rosewood any of various tropical or semitropical trees that have a dark reddish, hard, strongly grained wood and sometimes a scent like a rose. [2 definitions]
Rosh Hashanah the beginning of the New Year according to the lunar Jewish calendar, celebrated as a high holy day on the first day or first and second days of Tishri.
Rosicrucian a member of a seventeenth- and eighteenth-century secret society that professed esoteric religious principles and possession of occult knowledge and powers. [3 definitions]
rosin a translucent, yellow-brown, brittle residue of the distillation of turpentine from pine sap, used as a friction-increasing agent, as on the bows of certain stringed instruments, and in manufacturing varnish, inks, and soap. [3 definitions]
rosin oil a viscous, brownish, odorless oil obtained by fractional distillation of rosin and used in lubricants, electrical insulation, and inks.
rosinweed any of several related, composite, North American plants that have a resinous sap, sticky exterior, and strong aroma, such as the compass plant or the gum plant.
roster a list of names of individuals or groups belonging to or participating in an organization, class, military or police unit, or the like. [2 definitions]
rostrum a raised platform or dais for public speaking.
rosy deep reddish pink. [4 definitions]
rosy finch any of several related finches, found in western North America and eastern Asia, that have rose-colored tinting on the wings, rump, tail, or the like.
rot to decompose or decay, as organic matter. [12 definitions]
rotameter an instrument that measures the rate of flow of a liquid by means of a movable float encased in a vertical tube.
rotary turning or able to turn on an axis; rotating. [4 definitions]