safety net |
a large net suspended beneath circus aerialists in case of a fall. [2 definitions] |
safety pin |
a pin doubled back on itself to form a clasp with a spring at one end and a protective sheath at the other that covers and holds the point. |
safety razor |
a razor with a detachable blade inserted between guards on the holder that protect against accidental cuts. |
safety valve |
a valve that opens automatically to reduce the pressure of confined gas or steam when a dangerously high level is reached. [2 definitions] |
safety zone |
an area in a roadway from which vehicular traffic is excluded for the protection of pedestrians. |
saffian leather |
a leather made of goatskin or sheepskin and dyed, usu. in bright colors. |
safflower |
an herb of the daisy family that bears thistlelike heads of orange-red florets and seeds that yield oil for cooking. [2 definitions] |
saffron |
a crocus plant that bears large purple or white flowers with brilliant yellow stigmas. [3 definitions] |
safrole |
a colorless or pale yellow oil derived from sassafras oil, camphor wood, or the like, used in perfumes and medicines. |
sag |
to sink, hang, or bend downward in the middle. [8 definitions] |
saga |
a medieval Nordic or Icelandic prose narrative, esp. one describing the historical or legendary exploits of a single person or family. [2 definitions] |
sagacious |
possessing or characterized by good judgment and common sense; wise. |
sagacity |
the quality of having keen judgment and common sense; wisdom. |
sagamore |
a lesser chief among the Algonquian Indians. |
sage1 |
a person honored as very wise or experienced. [2 definitions] |
sage2 |
one of a group of herbs of the mint family, grown as ornamentals or for the leaves, which are used as a food seasoning and for medicinal purposes. [3 definitions] |
sagebrush |
one of a group of shrubs of the daisy family, native to dry areas in southwestern North America, that have aromatic silvery leaves. |
sage grouse |
a large grouse of the western plains of North America. |
sagger |
a protective casing of fire clay that surrounds and protects delicate ceramics in the kiln. [3 definitions] |
Sagitta |
a summer constellation in the northern sky, located between Aquila and Cygnus; Arrow. |
sagittal |
of, relating to, or resembling an arrow or arrowhead. [3 definitions] |