sagebrush |
one of a group of shrubs of the daisy family, native to dry areas in southwestern North America, that have aromatic silvery leaves. |
sage grouse |
a large grouse of the western plains of North America. |
sagger |
a protective casing of fire clay that surrounds and protects delicate ceramics in the kiln. [3 definitions] |
Sagitta |
a summer constellation in the northern sky, located between Aquila and Cygnus; Arrow. |
sagittal |
of, relating to, or resembling an arrow or arrowhead. [3 definitions] |
Sagittarius |
a summer zodiacal constellation located between Scorpius and Capricornus and within the brightest part of the Milky Way; Archer. [3 definitions] |
sagittate |
shaped like an arrowhead, as certain leaves. |
sago |
one of a group of palms native to Malaysia whose trunks are harvested to yield starch, or the starch that is derived from such a tree. |
saguaro |
a very tall cactus, native to the southwestern North American deserts, that can have large upraised branches and bears edible red fruit. |
Sahaptin |
a member of a tribe of North American Indians inhabiting the northwestern United States. [2 definitions] |
Sahara |
a vast North African desert extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Nile. |
Sahara Desert |
a vast arid region of North Africa extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Nile. |
Sahel |
the vast semi-desert region that lies along the southern edge of the Sahara desert in North Africa (usu. prec. by "the"). |
sahib |
boss; master (in India, a title of respect). |
said |
past tense and past participle of say. [2 definitions] |
saiga |
either of two small, stocky antelopes inhabiting the steppes of Eurasia and having a broad, fleshy snout. |
Saigon |
see "Ho Chi Minh City." |
sail |
a large piece of fabric or the like that may be mounted on a vessel and extended to catch the force of the wind for propulsion. [12 definitions] |
sailable |
combined form of sail. |
sailboard |
a long board similar to a surfboard but having a sail, used for windsurfing. |
sailboat |
a boat driven mainly by sails. |