sane |
having a mind that is healthy and rational. [2 definitions] |
Sanforize |
to treat (cloth or clothing) so as to be Sanforized. |
Sanforized |
trademark indicating a patented process whereby garments are preshrunk so as to lessen or eliminate further shrinkage. |
San Francisco |
a city of central California on a peninsula between the Pacific Ocean and a large bay. |
sang |
past tense of sing. |
sangaree |
an iced drink made of sweet, spiced wine or other liquor. |
sang-froid |
cool composure; calmness. |
sangha |
(Sanskrit) in Buddhism, a community of monks. |
sangrķa |
a cold drink made from a mix of red wine, fruit juice, sugar, and soda water. |
sanguinaria |
the bloodroot. [2 definitions] |
sanguinary |
of a murderous nature or in a murderous state of mind; bloodthirsty. [2 definitions] |
sanguine |
having an optimistic temperament or outlook. [3 definitions] |
sanguineous |
of, pertaining to, or involving blood or bloodshed; bloody. [3 definitions] |
Sanhedrin |
the highest court and legislative council for secular as well as sacred matters in ancient Judea. |
sanicle |
any of various plants having long-stalked leaves and bearing clusters of small flowers. |
sanitarium |
a hospital or resort where patients go to regain or improve their health. |
sanitary |
free from contaminants or sources of infection; clean; sterile. [2 definitions] |
sanitary belt |
a narrow belt made from elastic which is used to hold a sanitary napkin in place. |
sanitary engineering |
the branch of civil engineering that deals with public waste disposal, water supply, and the like. |
sanitary napkin |
a thick absorbent pad worn externally to absorb menstrual flow. |
sanitation |
the design and practice of methods for solving basic public health problems such as drainage, sewage treatment, and waste removal. |