schoolwork |
study or practice assigned and done at school or as homework. |
schoolyard |
the open area of ground near a school used as a playground, playing field or the like. |
school year |
the annual period from the beginning of a school's classes, usu. in late summer, to the end of classes and examinations, usu. in late spring. |
schooner |
a sailing ship with at least two masts, all rigged with fore-and-aft sails. |
schottische |
a round dance similar to but slower than the polka. |
schuss |
in skiing, a fast, straight descent. [2 definitions] |
schwa |
an indistinct vowel sound that occurs in most unstressed syllables in English, such as the first "a" in "away". [2 definitions] |
sci. |
abbreviation of "science." |
sciatic |
of, pertaining to, near, or affecting the hip or nerves of the hip. [2 definitions] |
sciatica |
pain from an inflamed sciatic nerve, which runs through the pelvis and upper leg; pain in the hip and thigh. |
science |
systematic observation and testing of natural phenomena in a search for general laws and conclusive evidence. [3 definitions] |
science-based |
pertaining to a process or approach that is developed using the scientific method. |
science fiction |
fiction in which scientific findings, capabilities, or speculations provide an essential basis for the imagined events. |
science-fiction |
of or pertaining to fiction in which scientific findings, capabilities, or speculations provide an essential basis for the imagined events. |
scientific |
requiring or demonstrating systematic knowledge and skills, exactness in observation and testing, and keen but dispassionate interest in the truths of nature. [2 definitions] |
scientist |
one who uses scientific procedures and is involved in science, esp. the physical or natural sciences. |
sci-fi |
(informal) science fiction. |
scilicet |
that is to say; to wit; namely. |
scimitar |
a curved, one-edged sword that originated in the Orient. |
scintilla |
a tiny amount; trace. |
scintillate |
to send out sparks. [4 definitions] |