scratch test |
a test for allergy in which the skin is scratched and one or more suspected allergens are applied to the scratches, with eventual inflammation indicating an allergic reaction. |
scratchy |
causing or likely to cause scratching; itchy. [3 definitions] |
scrawl |
to write or draw hastily or awkwardly. [2 definitions] |
scrawny |
extremely thin; gaunt. |
scream |
to make a shrill, piercing cry or sound. [6 definitions] |
screamer |
one that screams. [3 definitions] |
screaming |
producing or uttering screams. [4 definitions] |
screech |
to make a harsh, shrill, grating cry or sound. [3 definitions] |
screech owl |
any of various small American owls that have hornlike ear tufts and a harsh screeching cry. |
screed |
a tiresomely long speech or essay; diatribe. [2 definitions] |
screen |
a closely woven wire mesh used to filter liquid or grains or to keep insects from entering through windows. [9 definitions] |
screenable |
combined form of screen. |
screen door |
an outer door consisting of a frame fitted with fine wire or plastic mesh to keep insects out. |
screening |
fine mesh material used for making window screens. [3 definitions] |
screen memory |
in psychoanalysis, a recollection of early childhood that seems significant but actually masks a more profound related memory that remains repressed. |
screen pass |
in football, a quick, short forward pass to a receiver who is behind or just beyond the line of scrimmage. |
screenplay |
the scenario or script of a motion picture. |
screen saver |
a small program that takes over a computer's screen and substitutes a decorative image if the computer has not been used for a set length of time. Screen savers were first used to prevent damage to computer screens but are now mainly used for decoration. |
screenshot |
in computing, a picture of all that is currently showing on one's computer or phone screen, created by the computer itself in response to an instruction by the user. [2 definitions] |
screenwriter |
one who writes or adapts a script for a movie. |
screw |
a fastener, usu. metal, having a sometimes tapered shank with a helical thread, driven into a surface by applying pressure to the head while turning it. [17 definitions] |