self-destruction |
the act or process, or an instance, of destroying oneself or itself. [2 definitions] |
self-destructive |
damaging or destructive to oneself. [2 definitions] |
self-determination |
the freedom to make decisions for oneself without external pressure or influence. [2 definitions] |
self-development |
combined form of development. |
self-devouring |
combined form of devouring. |
self-differentiation |
combined form of differentiation. |
self-directed |
combined form of directed. |
self-directing |
combined form of directing. |
self-direction |
combined form of direction. |
self-directive |
combined form of directive. |
self-discipline |
regulation or control of oneself, esp. as a means of improving one's skill, knowledge, or the like. |
self-discovery |
the act or process of coming to know or understand oneself, as regarding one's true needs and wants, one's identity, or one's vocation. |
self-disgust |
combined form of disgust. |
self-dissatisfaction |
combined form of dissatisfaction. |
self-doubt |
a lack of confidence or belief in oneself or one's abilities. |
self-educated |
educated by one's own efforts, rather than by formal instruction. |
self-educating |
combined form of educating. |
self-education |
combined form of education. |
self-effacement |
the dislike or intentional avoidance of other people's attention; humility. |
self-effacing |
combined form of effacing. |
self-emancipation |
combined form of emancipation. |