self-finance |
combined form of finance. |
self-forgetful |
not selfishly motivated; selfless. |
self-formed |
combined form of formed. |
self-fulfilling |
acting or tending to fulfill one's own desires, goals, or the like. [2 definitions] |
self-fulfillment |
the act or process of fulfilling one's own desires, goals, or ambitions. |
self-generate |
combined form of generate. |
self-giving |
combined form of giving. |
self-government |
the independence of a government from external political control; political autonomy. [2 definitions] |
self-guided |
combined form of guided. |
self-hardening |
of or relating to substances, such as some glues, that require no special treatment or processing to harden. |
self-hate |
combined form of hate. |
self-hating |
combined form of hating. |
self-hatred |
hatred directed toward oneself. |
selfheal |
any of a number of plants related to the mint and believed to have healing powers. [2 definitions] |
self-healing |
combined form of healing. |
self-help |
an act or instance of providing for oneself without assistance from others. |
self-humbling |
combined form of humbling. |
self-humiliation |
combined form of humiliation. |
self-hypnosis |
the act of hypnotizing oneself or the condition of being so hypnotized; autohypnosis. |
self-idolatry |
combined form of idolatry. |
selfie |
a photograph of oneself, or of oneself with others, taken by oneself. |