self-regulative |
combined form of regulative. |
self-regulatory |
combined form of regulatory. |
self-reinforcing |
combined form of reinforcing. |
self-reliance |
dependence on oneself and one's own judgments, powers, or resources, rather than those of others. |
self-renewal |
combined form of renewal. |
self-renewing |
combined form of renewing. |
self-renouncing |
combined form of renouncing. |
self-renunciation |
combined form of renunciation. |
self-reproach |
the act or process of blaming oneself for shortcomings, errors, misdeeds, or the like. |
self-reproachful |
combined form of reproachful. |
self-reproof |
combined form of reproof. |
self-reproving |
combined form of reproving. |
self-respect |
the proper esteem and regard for oneself and one's dignity as a human being. |
self-restraint |
control over one's emotions, behavior, or desires; self-control. |
self-revealing |
displaying or revealing one's innermost thoughts, emotions, or the like. |
self-ridicule |
combined form of ridicule. |
self-righteous |
having or marked by confidence or pride in the correctness of one's beliefs or moral conduct, often combined with a pious intolerance of the beliefs of others. |
self-rising |
of flour, having a leavening agent added previously. |
self-rule |
self-government. |
self-sacrifice |
doing without or giving up one's pleasures or personal interests for the benefit of others or from a sense of duty. |
selfsame |
the same (person or thing) as previously mentioned; identical. |