semi |
(informal) a tractor-trailer truck; semitrailer. |
semi- |
half. [3 definitions] |
semiannual |
occurring or published once each half year or twice each year. |
semiaquatic |
growing in or near water, as cattails. [2 definitions] |
semiautomatic |
not fully automatic. [2 definitions] |
semicircle |
one half of a circle. [2 definitions] |
semicircular canal |
any of three loop-shaped tubular canals in the inner ear that maintain balance and orientation. |
semicolon |
a punctuation mark (;) used to separate independent clauses within a sentence, indicating a less distinct break than that marked by a period, or used to separate clauses or phrases containing commas. |
semiconductor |
a crystalline material such as silicon or germanium that conducts electricity under certain conditions, but not as effectively as metals do. |
semiconscious |
not entirely conscious; half-conscious. |
semidetached |
partly separate or detached; attached on only one side, as two houses sharing a common wall. |
semi-detached |
(chiefly British) a house that is joined to another by a shared wall. |
semifinal |
designating the next-to-last game or match. [2 definitions] |
semifinalist |
one, esp. an athlete, that is qualified to take part in a semifinal contest. |
semifluid |
having characteristics of both a solid and a liquid; thick but able to flow; viscous. [2 definitions] |
semiformal |
partly formal; suitable for an occasion that is more than informal and less than formal. |
semihard |
somewhat hard. |
semiliterate |
able to read and write on an elementary level. [3 definitions] |
semimonthly |
occurring or being issued twice every month. [3 definitions] |
seminal |
of seed or of semen. [3 definitions] |
seminar |
a small class at a university, usually for advanced students, for study and discussion. [2 definitions] |