separatist |
one who advocates or participates in the separation of a political, religious, or racial group from a larger group to which it has belonged. |
separator |
someone or something that separates, such as a machine that separates cream from milk. |
Sephardim |
European Jews who settled in Spain, Portugal, and northern Africa before the Inquisition, or their descendants. (Cf. Ashkenazim.) |
sepia |
a brownish pigment usu. made from secretions of certain cuttlefish, or of the ink made from such a pigment. [2 definitions] |
sepoy |
in India, formerly, a native soldier who served in a European army, esp. the British army. |
seppuku |
hara-kiri. |
sepsis |
infection, esp. by pus-forming bacteria in the blood or tissues. |
Sept. |
abbreviation of "September," the ninth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty days. |
sept-1 |
seven. |
sept-2 |
divider. |
septa |
pl. of septum. |
septal |
of or relating to a septum. |
September |
the ninth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty days. |
septennial |
taking place every seven years. [3 definitions] |
septet |
seven singers or instrumentalists as a group. [3 definitions] |
septic |
infected with harmful or destructive bacteria. [2 definitions] |
septicemia |
persistent infection of the blood stream by harmful bacteria or their toxins. |
septic tank |
an underground tank in which solid organic waste material is decomposed by anaerobic bacteria. |
septillion |
the number represented by the Arabic numeral 1024. [2 definitions] |
septuagenarian |
one who is seventy years old or between seventy and eighty years old. |
Septuagint |
a translation of the Old Testament from Hebrew into Greek, done in the third century B.C. |