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sepulchral of, relating to, or serving as a sepulcher or tomb. [3 definitions]
sepulture the act of placing in a tomb or sepulcher; interment; burial.
sequacious following in a logical sequence.
sequel what follows afterwards, such as the next event in a series, esp. as it arises from previous events. [2 definitions]
sequela something that follows; result or consequence, esp. an abnormal or diseased condition that follows and usu. results from a previous illness.
sequence an arrangement or process in which one thing follows another; succession. [5 definitions]
sequent following in time or order; succeeding; subsequent. [3 definitions]
sequential forming or marked by a sequence of parts or units.
sequester to remove into protection and isolation; seclude. [2 definitions]
sequestrate in law, to seize (property); confiscate. [2 definitions]
sequestration the act of sequestering, or the condition of being sequestered. [3 definitions]
sequin a very small shiny flat disk usu. sewn in great numbers onto clothing as decoration.
sequoia either of two very large coniferous trees native to California; redwood or big tree.
sera a plural form of serum.
seraglio in a Muslim palace or house, a secluded court with multiple rooms, such as a harem. [2 definitions]
serape a thick, often colorful wool blanket or cloak worn over the shoulders, esp. in Latin America.
seraph an angel of the highest order, often pictured as having six wings and attending the Christian God.
seraphic of or resembling a seraph, an angel of the highest order in Christianity; [2 definitions]
Serapis an Egyptian god of the lower world who was later worshiped throughout the Greco-Roman world.
Serb a native or inhabitant of Serbia, or a descendant thereof; Serbian. [2 definitions]
Serbia a former kingdom, now a constituent republic in eastern Yugoslavia.