shifty |
not sincere, honest, or trustworthy; evasive or tricky. [2 definitions] |
Shih Tzu |
any of a breed of very small dog native to China, having long hair, a short muzzle, and a hairy tail that curves forward. |
Shiite |
a member of the Shiah sect of Islam, which does not accept the Sunna as authoritative and considers Muhammad's son-in-law Ali to be the legitimate successor to Muhammad. (Cf. Sunnite.) |
shikari |
in India, a person who hunts large game, esp. one who serves as a professional guide. |
shiksa |
(usu. derogatory) a non-Jewish woman or girl. |
shill |
an accomplice of a swindler or vendor, who feigns an enthusiastic interest in the goods or deal being offered in order to convince unsuspecting customers to buy or enter into the deal. [4 definitions] |
shillelagh |
in Ireland, a club, esp. of blackthorn or oak wood; cudgel. |
shilling |
the chief monetary unit of Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, and Uganda, equaling one hundred cents. [3 definitions] |
shilly-shally |
to be indecisive; waver; vacillate; hesitate. |
shim |
a thin wedge or slip of wood, metal, or other material inserted to level something, or to make parts, as of a door frame or machine, fit better. [2 definitions] |
shimmer |
to shine with a soft wavering light. [3 definitions] |
shimmery |
gleaming with a soft, wavering light. |
shimmy |
an abnormal vibration or wobbling, as in an automobile's front wheels. [4 definitions] |
shin1 |
the front part of the leg between the knee and ankle. [3 definitions] |
shin2 |
the name of the twenty-second letter of the Hebrew alphabet. |
shinbone |
the tibia. |
shindig |
(informal) a large or elaborate party. |
shine |
to give forth or glow with either emitted or reflected light. [10 definitions] |
shiner |
one that shines. [3 definitions] |
shingle |
a thin, flat piece of wood or other building material that is attached in overlapping rows to cover the roof or sides of a building. [3 definitions] |
shingles |
(used with a sing. or pl. verb) a painful viral skin disease that afflicts nerve tissue and causes eruptions of blisters. |