shred |
a long strip that is torn or cut off, or nearly torn off. [3 definitions] |
shredder |
a machine used to shred documents, esp. secret or private ones. [2 definitions] |
shrew |
any of several small insectivorous mammals related to moles that have a long, pointed snout and tiny eyes. [2 definitions] |
shrewd |
displaying good judgment and foresight; cunning; astute. |
shrewish |
like a shrew; nagging or ill-tempered. |
shriek |
a loud shrill cry, such as the call of certain birds or a human outcry of fear, joy, or surprise. [4 definitions] |
shrike |
any of several predatory songbirds that have a strong hooked bill and feed on insects and small birds and animals, which they sometimes impale on thorns or other sharp objects. |
shrill |
having, producing, or characterized by a high piercing sound. [4 definitions] |
shrimp |
any of several small, mostly saltwater shellfish with long tails and five pairs of walking legs, or any of various similar shellfish, many of which are edible. [6 definitions] |
shrine |
a place or object, such as an altar or tomb, considered sacred and devoted to some holy person or deity. [3 definitions] |
shrink |
to contract or decrease in size, as from moisture, heat, or cold. [7 definitions] |
shrinkable |
combined form of shrink. |
shrinkage |
an act or instance or the process of shrinking. [2 definitions] |
shrinking violet |
a very shy, retiring, or modest person. |
shrink-wrap |
to cover (a product) in a clear plastic film that shrinks upon exposure to heat and forms an airtight seal. [2 definitions] |
shrive |
of a priest, to hear the confession of, assign penance to, or give absolution to (someone). |
shrivel |
to contract or reduce in size, as by drying out. [2 definitions] |
shroud |
a wrap for a corpse; winding sheet. [6 definitions] |
shrove |
a past tense of shrive. |
Shrovetide |
the three days preceding Ash Wednesday. |
Shrove Tuesday |
the day before Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, when pancakes are traditionally eaten in the UK. |