Sodium Pentothal |
trademark for thiopental. |
sodium thiosulfate |
a white crystalline compound, used as a fixing agent in photography, and as a bleach and antichlor; sodium hyposulfite, hyposulfite, or hypo. |
sodium-vapor lamp |
an electric lamp used for lighting highways and streets, containing sodium and neon and giving off a yellow light. |
Sodom |
according to the Old Testament, a city of ancient Palestine that was destroyed by God because of the wickedness of its inhabitants. [2 definitions] |
Sodomite |
an inhabitant of Sodom. [2 definitions] |
sodomize |
to subject to any sexual intercourse held to be abnormal, such as bestiality or anal intercourse. |
sodomy |
anal or oral copulation. [2 definitions] |
-soever |
any of all those (persons, objects, places, times, means, or the like) that are possible (used after who, what, where, when, and how for added emphasis or generalizing force). |
soever |
in any way or case; to any extent or degree (usu. prec. by "how", often with an intervening word). |
sofa |
a long upholstered seat with arms and a back; couch. |
sofa bed |
a sofa that can be converted into a bed. |
so far |
up to this point; up to the present moment. |
so far so good |
no problems yet. |
soffit |
the underside of an architectural feature such as an eave, beam, or arch. |
Sofia |
the capital of Bulgaria. |
soft |
easily yielding to pressure ; not firm or hard ; pliable. [12 definitions] |
softball |
a type of baseball played on a smaller field with a larger, softer ball that is usu. pitched underhand. [2 definitions] |
soft-boiled |
of an egg, boiled so that the yolk or white remains soft. (Cf. hard-boiled.) [2 definitions] |
soft chancre |
a chancroid. |
soft coal |
see "bituminous coal." |
soft-core |
depicting sexual acts in a suggestive rather than explicit manner. (Cf. hard-core.) |