speech therapy |
treatment of speech and language disorders of either physical or cognitive origins. |
speed |
the act of moving or ability to move rapidly or swiftly; quickness; swiftness. [11 definitions] |
speedball |
(slang) a mixture of cocaine and heroin or morphine, usu. injected. [2 definitions] |
speedboat |
a high-speed motorboat. |
speed bump |
a raised concrete or asphalt ridge, as in a parking lot, to discourage speeding. |
speed limit |
the highest legal driving speed in a state or region, or on a particular road or portion of a road. |
speedometer |
an instrument that measures the speed of a moving vehicle. [2 definitions] |
speed skate |
an ice skate with a particularly long blade, used in racing. [2 definitions] |
speed skating |
a competitive ice-skating sport, in which skaters wear speed skates and race, usu. around an oval track. |
speedster |
(informal) a very fast driver or vehicle; speeder. [2 definitions] |
speed trap |
a stretch of road where police officers and radar devices are concealed in order to catch speeders. |
speed-up |
an increase in speed; acceleration. [2 definitions] |
speed up |
to go or cause to go faster. |
speedway |
a race track for automobiles and motorcycles. [2 definitions] |
speedwell |
any of various wild plants, bushes, or small trees that bear clusters of short-lived blue flowers. |
speedy |
characterized by swift movement or rapidity of accomplishment. |
speleology |
the scientific exploration, examination, and study of caves. |
spell1 |
to name or write the letters of (a word) in order. [4 definitions] |
spell2 |
a word, phrase, or the like used to bewitch or enchant; charm; incantation. [3 definitions] |
spell3 |
a brief, undefined period or interval of time. [4 definitions] |
spellbind |
to hold fascinated, as though under a spell; enchant. |