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spring chicken a young chicken suitable for broiling or frying.
springer someone or something that springs. [2 definitions]
springer spaniel a dog of either of two breeds of spaniel, English or Welsh, having drooping ears and a silky brown and white or black and white coat, and used for flushing and retrieving game.
spring fever the feelings of listlessness or restlessness that may affect people at the beginning of spring.
Springfield the capital of Illinois.
springhouse a small structure over a spring or stream, used for keeping milk, butter, and the like cool.
spring lock a lock in which a spring automatically shoots the bolt.
spring tide the tides that occur soon after the new or full moon and have the greatest rise and fall. (Cf. neap.) [2 definitions]
springtime the season of spring. [2 definitions]
springy having an elastic or flexible quality; resilient. [2 definitions]
sprinkle to scatter or drop (a substance) in droplets or small particles. [9 definitions]
sprinkler a device for sprinkling, esp. one for watering lawns, gardens, or crops. [2 definitions]
sprinkler system a system of sprinklers designed to put out fires in a building, usu. automatically. [2 definitions]
sprinkling a quantity that is sprinkled.
sprint to run or go at top speed, esp. for a relatively short distance. [4 definitions]
sprit a pole that extends diagonally from the base of a mast to the uppermost corner of a fore-and-aft sail.
sprite a small supernatural being; fairy, elf, or goblin. [2 definitions]
spritsail a sail that is extended by a sprit.
sprocket a wheel with toothlike points that fit into the links of a chain, as on a bicycle.
sprout to start to grow, as a shoot or bud. [6 definitions]
spruce1 any of various evergreen trees that have short, densely growing, needlelike leaves and bear hanging cones. [2 definitions]