squarely |
in a square form or fashion. [2 definitions] |
square measure |
any system of units for measuring areas in squares, such as square inches or square meters. |
square-rigged |
of a sailing vessel, outfitted with square sails. |
square-rigger |
a square-rigged sailing ship. |
square root |
a divisor of a number which, when multiplied by itself, equals that number. |
square sail |
a four-sided sail rigged on a yard that is horizontal to the mast and athwart the keel of a sailing vessel. |
square shooter |
(informal) one who is fair and honest in dealing with others. |
square-shouldered |
having a posture or build with the shoulders straight across rather than sloping. |
squash1 |
to press, beat, or crush into a pulp or flat mass. [8 definitions] |
squash2 |
a gourdlike fruit that is borne on a vinelike plant and is eaten as a vegetable. [2 definitions] |
squashy |
soft and easily crushed. [2 definitions] |
squat |
to sit on one's heels, or to crouch low to the ground. [6 definitions] |
squatter |
one that squats. [2 definitions] |
squawk |
to give a harsh scream or squall. [5 definitions] |
squeak |
a brief, high, shrill sound or cry, as of an unoiled wheel or a very small animal. [4 definitions] |
squeak by |
to succeed by a very close margin or with great difficulty. |
squeaker |
(informal) a close or narrow victory, as in an athletic contest. [2 definitions] |
squeak through |
to succeed by a very close margin or with great difficulty. |
squeaky |
tending to squeak; marked by squeaking sounds or tones. |
squeal |
a fairly long, loud, shrill sound or cry. [4 definitions] |
squeamish |
nauseated, or tending to be easily nauseated or disgusted; queasy. [3 definitions] |