stage-struck |
having an intense and sometimes naive desire to be involved in theater, esp. as an actor. |
stage whisper |
an actor's loud whisper that is intended to be heard by the audience but not by the other actors. [2 definitions] |
stagflation |
an economic condition marked by a high rate of inflation together with a decline in business activity and an increase in unemployment. |
stagger |
to walk or stand unsteadily or with a need for support. [8 definitions] |
staggering |
astounding, shocking, or highly disturbing. [2 definitions] |
staghorn fern |
any of several ferns that have large divided fronds resembling antlers and that grow nonparasitically on trees, stumps, and the like. |
staging |
the act or process of preparing or putting on a theatrical production. [2 definitions] |
staging area |
a place where troops and military supplies are assembled before departing to another location. |
stagnant |
standing still; motionless. [3 definitions] |
stagnate |
to be or become motionless, fouled, or lacking in energy, originality, or development; be or become stagnant. |
stagy |
having qualities associated with a theatrical play; affected; unnatural. |
staid |
formal, solemn, and reserved in character. |
stain |
a spot or discoloration caused by a foreign substance; tarnish. [9 definitions] |
stainable |
combined form of stain. |
stained glass |
glass that is colored either by fusing materials into it or by adding materials to its surface, and that is used chiefly in decorative windows. |
stainless |
without a stain; spotless. [3 definitions] |
stainless steel |
an alloy of steel and chromium, which is resistant to rust and corrosion. |
stair |
one of a set of consecutive steps that lead to an upper or lower level in a building, or the entire set collectively. [2 definitions] |
staircase |
an arrangement of consecutive steps with its supporting members, usu. connecting two or more floors of a building. |
stairs |
a staircase; flight of steps. |
stairway |
a staircase, often one walled off from the rest of a building in a stairwell. |