stink bomb |
a small bomb that gives off an offensive odor on exploding. |
stink bug |
any of a variety of insects that give off a disagreeable odor. |
stinker |
one that stinks. [3 definitions] |
stinking |
bad-smelling. [2 definitions] |
stinkweed |
any of various bad-smelling plants, such as the jimson weed or dog fennel. |
stinky |
having a strong, unpleasant or offensive odor; bad-smelling. |
stint |
to restrict to a certain number or amount, often stingily. [4 definitions] |
stipe |
a stalk or stalklike structure, such as the stemlike support of the cap of a mushroom or the main stem of a fern frond. |
stipend |
any periodic payment of money, such as a salary or allowance. |
stipendiary |
receiving a stipend. [4 definitions] |
stipple |
to render part or the whole of (a painting, drawing, or engraving) in dots, points, or dabs. [3 definitions] |
stipulate |
to specify or arrange as a condition of an agreement. [3 definitions] |
stipulation |
the act of stipulating. [2 definitions] |
stipule |
either of a pair of small, leaflike parts at the base of a leaf in plants such as the bean, pea, or rose. |
stir1 |
to agitate or mix (a liquid) by making circular motions with a hand or object. [10 definitions] |
stir2 |
(slang) prison. |
stir-fry |
to cook (thinly sliced or diced vegetables, meat, or fish) in a small amount of oil over high heat while stirring constantly. |
Stirling engine |
an external-combustion engine in which the fuel ignited outside the cylinder releases heat that is transferred into the cylinder to a pressurized gas, which moves the pistons. |
stirring |
rousing; moving. [2 definitions] |
stirrup |
a flat-bottomed loop or ring of metal, wood, or leather hung from each side of a saddle and used to support the rider's foot in mounting and riding. [2 definitions] |
stirrup bone |
one of the three bones of the middle ear; stapes. |