subcordate |
combined form of cordate. |
subcounty |
combined form of county. |
subcritical |
in physics, pertaining to a value, quantity, or state of a radioactive material that is less than critical. [2 definitions] |
subcult |
combined form of cult. |
subculture |
a social group sharing certain fundamental traits that distinguish its members from the larger culture or society. [2 definitions] |
subcurative |
combined form of curative. |
subcutaneous |
situated or placed under the skin. |
subdeacon |
a member of the clergy who ranks just below a deacon. |
subdeb |
(informal) subdebutante. |
subdebutante |
a girl who is not quite old enough to make her formal debut into society or who has not yet made that debut. |
subdepartment |
combined form of department. |
subdevelopment |
combined form of development. |
subdialect |
combined form of dialect. |
subdirector |
combined form of director. |
subdiscipline |
combined form of discipline. |
subdistrict |
combined form of district. |
subdivide |
to make smaller divisions in (something already divided). [3 definitions] |
subdivision |
an area of land divided into lots for building and development. [3 definitions] |
subdominant |
a species that is important in an ecological community but has less influence than the dominant species. [3 definitions] |
subduction |
the process by which a lithospheric plate moves sideways and downward into the mantle beneath a neighboring plate. |
subdue |
to overcome or conquer, as by military victory. [4 definitions] |