subgeneration |
combined form of generation. |
subgenre |
combined form of genre. |
subgoal |
combined form of goal. |
subgovernment |
combined form of government. |
subgroup |
a group with its own distinguishing features within a larger group; division; subset. |
subgum |
of or designating various Chinese-American dishes prepared with mixed vegetables such as water chestnuts, mushrooms, and bean sprouts. |
subhead |
a subheading. |
subheading |
the heading or title of a section or subdivision of a printed text. [2 definitions] |
subhuman |
less than human in evolutionary development. |
subhumid |
combined form of humid. |
subindex |
an index to a subdivision of a main or larger category. [2 definitions] |
subindustry |
combined form of industry. |
subinhibitory |
combined form of inhibitory. |
subito |
abruptly; suddenly (used as a musical direction). |
subj. |
abbreviation of "subject." |
subjacent |
located or occurring below or underneath; underlying. [2 definitions] |
subject |
the topic of what is said, written, studied, or the like. [14 definitions] |
subjective |
formed or existing in a person's mind rather than in the world outside. [3 definitions] |
subjectivism |
the quality or condition of being subjective. [2 definitions] |
subjectless |
combined form of subject. |
subject matter |
the core or substance of that which is being examined or discussed. |