suborbital |
of a rocket or other spacecraft, not reaching a high enough altitude or speed to complete one full orbit around the earth. [2 definitions] |
suborder |
a major subdivision in an order of animals or plants; group of related families. |
subordinate |
lower in rank or importance; inferior or secondary. [7 definitions] |
subordinate clause |
in grammar, a clause that modifies the main clause of a sentence, such as "before I left" in "Before I left, I checked the locks". |
subordinating conjunction |
in grammar, a conjunction that introduces a subordinate clause, such as "before," "unless," or "because". |
suborganization |
combined form of organization. |
suborn |
to induce (someone) to commit a crime or other corrupt deed. [2 definitions] |
subpanel |
combined form of panel. |
subpar |
combined form of par. |
subparagraph |
combined form of paragraph. |
subparallel |
combined form of parallel. |
subpart |
combined form of part. |
subperiod |
combined form of period. |
subphase |
combined form of phase. |
subphylum |
any major subdivision of a phylum; group of related classes of living things. |
subplot |
a minor or secondary plot in a work of fiction. |
subpoena |
in law, a formal written order summoning a witness to give testimony or requiring that specified evidence be submitted. [2 definitions] |
subprimate |
combined form of primate. |
subprocess |
combined form of process. |
subproduct |
combined form of product. |
subproject |
combined form of project. |