subtrend |
combined form of trend. |
subtribe |
combined form of tribe. |
subtropical |
of, pertaining to, or being the regions immediately north or south of the tropics. [2 definitions] |
subtropics |
the regions bordering on the tropics. |
subtype |
combined form of type. |
subunit |
combined form of unit. |
suburb |
a residential area or community located just outside a city or town. |
suburban |
of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a suburb or suburbs. [2 definitions] |
suburbanite |
a person who lives in a suburb. |
suburbia |
suburbs and the people who inhabit them. [2 definitions] |
subvariety |
combined form of variety. |
subvassal |
combined form of vassal. |
subvention |
a grant of financial aid or relief by a government or other official source; subsidy. [2 definitions] |
subversion |
the act or an instance of undermining or overthrowing, esp. an established government. [2 definitions] |
subversive |
tending or intended to undermine or cause the overthrow of an established authority, esp. a national government. [2 definitions] |
subvert |
to overthrow or destroy, or cause the destruction of (an established authority, esp. a national government). [2 definitions] |
subvisible |
combined form of visible. |
subvisual |
combined form of visual. |
subway |
an underground passenger train or rail system, usu. electric, operating in a large metropolitan area. [3 definitions] |
subworld |
combined form of world. |
subwriter |
combined form of writer. |