superbad |
combined form of bad. |
superbillionaire |
combined form of billionaire. |
superblock |
an urban area, much larger than a city block, usu. closed to traffic, and having residences and commercial, social, and recreational facilities. |
superbomb |
combined form of bomb. |
superbomber |
combined form of bomber. |
Super Bowl |
in the U.S., an annual football game held in late January or early February in which the winning teams of the American and National Conferences play for the National Football League championship. The Super Bowl attracts vast television audiences. |
superbright |
combined form of bright. |
superbureaucrat |
combined form of bureaucrat. |
supercalender |
a roller or set of rollers that gives a high gloss to paper. [2 definitions] |
supercar |
combined form of car. |
supercargo |
the officer on a merchant ship in charge of the cargo carried and commercial transactions made. |
supercarrier |
combined form of carrier. |
supercautious |
combined form of cautious. |
supercenter |
combined form of center. |
supercharge |
to fill beyond normal capacity with feeling, energy, or the like. [2 definitions] |
supercharged |
of an engine, having a supercharger. [3 definitions] |
supercharger |
a device that increases the power of an internal combustion engine by forcing air under high pressure into its cylinders. |
superchic |
combined form of chic. |
superchurch |
combined form of church. |
superciliary |
of, pertaining to, or near to, esp. above, the eyebrow. |
supercilious |
showing an arrogant disregard, as a look, manner, or person. |