superpower |
a country with great international power and influence, esp. one that dominates the affairs of other countries. |
superpowerful |
combined form of powerful. |
superpremium |
combined form of premium. |
superprofit |
combined form of profit. |
superquality |
combined form of quality. |
superrealism |
combined form of realism. |
superregional |
combined form of regional. |
superrich |
combined form of rich. |
superroad |
combined form of road. |
superromantic |
combined form of romantic. |
superromanticism |
combined form of romanticism. |
supersafe |
combined form of safe. |
supersale |
combined form of sale. |
supersalesman |
combined form of salesman. |
supersaturate |
to add more of a substance to (a solution) than can normally be dissolved in it. |
superscout |
combined form of scout. |
superscribe |
to write on the outside surface of or above (an envelope or the main body of a letter). [2 definitions] |
superscript |
of a number, letter, or symbol, written or printed above and just to one side of another character. (Cf. subscript.) [2 definitions] |
superscription |
the act of writing, marking, or engraving on the outer surface or top of something. [2 definitions] |
supersecrecy |
combined form of secrecy. |
supersecret |
combined form of secret. |