superscript |
of a number, letter, or symbol, written or printed above and just to one side of another character. (Cf. subscript.) [2 definitions] |
superscription |
the act of writing, marking, or engraving on the outer surface or top of something. [2 definitions] |
supersecrecy |
combined form of secrecy. |
supersecret |
combined form of secret. |
supersede |
to take over the position or influence of; replace. [2 definitions] |
superseller |
combined form of seller. |
supersensible |
unable to be perceived by the senses. |
supersensitive |
extremely or overly sensitive, as to criticism or insult. [2 definitions] |
supersession |
an act or instance of superseding or being superseded. |
supersexuality |
combined form of sexuality. |
supersharp |
combined form of sharp. |
supershow |
combined form of show. |
supersinger |
combined form of singer. |
supersleuth |
combined form of sleuth. |
supersmart |
combined form of smart. |
supersmooth |
combined form of smooth. |
supersoft |
combined form of soft. |
supersonic |
exceeding or capable of exceeding the speed of sound waves through air. |
supersonics |
(used with a sing. verb) the science or study of the aerodynamics of speeds greater than the speed of sound. |
supersophisticated |
combined form of sophisticated. |
superspecial |
combined form of special. |