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tabes dorsalis a disease of the nervous system, usu. caused by syphilis and characterized by pain and an increasing loss of voluntary motor control and organ distress.
tab key the tabulator on a typewriter.
tabla a pair of different-sized, small drums that are joined together, used esp. in the music of India. The pitch of these drums can be varied.
table an article of furniture, usu. with a flat, horizontal top and supported by one or more vertical legs. [11 definitions]
tableau an artistically arranged group of actors who remain motionless for a moment on stage, as at the end of a scene. [2 definitions]
tableau vivant living picture (French); a scene, statue, or picture depicted by costumed and posed actors who remain silent and motionless.
tablecloth a cloth used to cover a dining table in order to protect its surface during a meal.
table d'hôte a complete meal offered at a restaurant or hotel with a fixed list of courses and a set price. (Cf. à la carte, prix fixe.)
table-hop (informal) to move from table to table to visit and talk at a party, nightclub, restaurant, or the like.
tableland a level, elevated expanse of land; plateau.
table linen tablecloths, napkins, place mats, and the like.
table of contents a list of items, such as names of chapters or topics, that a book or other written material contains. The list is presented in the order that the items appear in the material and often provides page numbers for easy access to each item. The table of contents is usually found at the beginning of the written material.
table salt edible, refined salt derived from underground deposits, typically used as a flavor enhancer for food.
table saw a circular saw positioned beneath a table so that its blade projects above the surface, allowing it to cut objects placed on top of the table.
tablespoon in the US, a unit of capacity equal to one half fluid ounce, three teaspoons, or about fifteen milliliters, used in cooking. (abbr.: tbs.) [4 definitions]
tablespoonful the amount a tablespoon holds; tablespoon.
tablet a small, molded, regular mass or lump, usu. of medicine. [4 definitions]
table talk casual or informal mealtime conversation.
table tennis a game similar to outdoor tennis but played atop a large rectangular table and using wooden paddles and a small hollow plastic or celluloid ball.
tableware the silverware, glasses, plates, and the like, used for the dining table.
table wine a wine, usu. served with meals, containing not more than fourteen percent alcohol.