tailorbird |
any of several tropical warblers that use plant strands to stitch together leaves as a camouflage for their nests. |
tailored |
made, or as if made, by a tailor. [2 definitions] |
tailor-made |
made by a tailor, or custom-made. [2 definitions] |
tailpiece |
a piece or part positioned at the end of something. [3 definitions] |
tailpipe |
the pipe, usu. at the end of a vehicle, through which exhaust fumes from the engine are channeled, as in a car or jet. |
tailrace |
the lower part of the channel through which water leaves a water wheel. [2 definitions] |
tailspin |
the action of a falling, spinning aircraft, characterized by a fast spiraling of the tail. [2 definitions] |
tailstock |
on a lathe or grinder, the adjustable piece that contains the dead center and helps hold the work. |
tail wind |
a wind that blows in the same direction as the course of a vessel or aircraft. |
Taíno |
a member of an American Indian tribe that inhabited the Bahamas and parts of the Antilles before the arrival of Columbus and that eventually became extinct after Spanish colonization of the islands. [2 definitions] |
taint |
to slightly corrupt or pollute. [5 definitions] |
taintless |
combined form of taint. |
Taipei |
the capital of Taiwan. |
Taiwan |
an island off the southeastern coast of China; Formosa. [2 definitions] |
Tajik |
of or pertaining to Tajikistan or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions] |
Tajikistan |
a Central Asian country on the northern border of Afghanistan; formerly a republic of the Soviet Union. |
Taj Mahal |
a white marble mausoleum celebrated for its design and decoration built c.1640 in Agra, India by the Mogul Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal. |
taka |
the chief monetary unit of Bangladesh, equaling one hundred paise. |
take |
to cause to be in one's hands; grasp. [36 definitions] |
take a back seat |
(informal) to hold a secondary position or be considered less than excellent. |
take a bath |
(informal) to undergo a serious financial loss. |