taken |
past participle of take. |
taken aback |
startled; surprised. |
take note of |
to observe carefully, esp. so as to remember. |
takeoff |
the act or process, or an instance, of leaving the ground or other surface, as in preparation for flight. [2 definitions] |
take off |
to remove from the body or from a surface. [6 definitions] |
take on |
begin to engage in (new or additional duties, tasks, responsibilities, or the like). [5 definitions] |
take one's breath away |
to astonish or startle. |
take one's time |
to proceed without hurrying in any way. |
takeout |
of or relating to prepared food that is consumed off the premises. [3 definitions] |
take out |
to extract; remove from inside something. [3 definitions] |
takeover |
the act or an instance of taking control or replacing a previous authority, as of a business or government. |
take over |
to take control of (something that had previously been controlled by another or others). [3 definitions] |
take pains (to do something) |
to make a special effort in order to produce a desired result. |
take part |
to participate; involve oneself (usu. fol. by "in"). |
take part in |
to involve yourself in; be active in. |
take pity |
to help, or to treat mercifully, because of a feeling of compassion (usu. fol. by "on"). |
take place |
to happen. |
take root |
to send out new roots; begin to grow or become fixed in the ground. [2 definitions] |
take shape |
to come to have a more complete or definite form. |
take (someone) down a peg |
to make humbler. |
take someone's part |
to join with or support someone; side with someone. |