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thermistor an electronic resistor made of solid semiconducting material, whose resistance increases with a decrease in temperature, and that is used to measure temperature variations in body cells, microwaves, or the like.
thermo- heat.
thermocline a layer of water between the warm surface water and the cold deep water of a lake, bay, or the like, within which the temperature changes rapidly.
thermocouple a pair of dissimilar conductors, joined at two points to form a closed circuit, that produce a thermoelectric current when their junctions are maintained at different temperatures.
thermodynamic of or concerning thermodynamics. [2 definitions]
thermodynamics (used with a sing. verb) the branch of physics concerned with the relationship between heat and other energy forms.
thermoelectric of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or caused by the direct relationship between heat and electricity.
thermoelectricity electricity that is generated by heating or cooling the junctions of a thermocouple.
thermogram a record of temperature variations that is made by a thermograph.
thermograph a thermometer containing an infrared camera that automatically records the temperature it measures.
thermographic of or related to thermography.
thermography the use of an infrared camera to measure temperature variations within an object or body part. [2 definitions]
thermojunction the point of contact made when the two conductors of a thermocouple are joined together.
thermometer an instrument for measuring temperature, esp. a sealed glass tube with a calibrated scale on the outside and a column of liquid, usu. mercury, inside that rises or falls as the temperature changes.
thermonuclear of, pertaining to, or resulting from the fusion of the nuclei of a gas at very high temperatures. [2 definitions]
thermopile a device consisting of a series of connected thermocouples, used to generate thermoelectric current or to measure very small changes in temperature.
thermoplastic softening and becoming pliable when heated, but returning to its original state and properties when cooled, as certain plastics and resins. [2 definitions]
thermoregulation the maintenance by a living body of a constant internal body temperature regardless of outside environmental temperature.
Thermos trademark for a container using an inside vacuum holder to keep beverages or foods at their original temperature. [2 definitions]
thermosetting denoting materials that harden and set permanently under heat, such as certain resins.
thermosphere the extreme outer edge of the earth's atmosphere, within which temperature increases steadily with altitude.