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Thomism the theological and philosophical system of St. Thomas Aquinas, on which thirteenth-century scholasticism was based.
Thompson submachine gun a portable .45-caliber submachine gun; tommy gun.
thong a narrow strip of leather or the like, used esp. as a fastening or as a whiplash. [2 definitions]
Thor in Scandinavian mythology, the god of thunder, who rides a wagon drawn by goats and is armed with a hammer.
thoracic of, pertaining to, in, or near the thorax.
thoraco- thorax.
thorax in humans and in animals with four limbs, the part of the body between the neck and the abdomen, including the ribs and the cavity that contains the heart and lungs; chest. [2 definitions]
Thorazine trademark for the sedative drug chlorpromazine.
thorium a radioactive chemical element of the actinide series that has ninety protons in each nucleus and that occurs as a malleable, lustrous, grayish white solid metal. (symbol: Th)
thorn a short, spiny protrusion on a plant stem or branch. [3 definitions]
thorn apple any of various related plants, such as the jimson weed, that bear poisonous fruit covered with thorns. [2 definitions]
thornless combined form of thorn.
thorny covered with or full of thorns; prickly. [3 definitions]
thoron a radioactive isotope of radon produced in the disintegration of thorium.
thorough complete. [3 definitions]
thoroughbred bred from pure or unmixed stock, as a horse, dog, or other animal. [6 definitions]
thoroughfare a street that opens at both ends into other streets. [2 definitions]
thoroughgoing marked by thoroughness or completeness; very thorough. [2 definitions]
thoroughly completely; throughout.
thoroughwort boneset.
those pl. of that.