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Thursday the fifth day of the week, occurring between Wednesday and Friday.
Thursdays on Thursdays; each Thursday; every Thursday.
thus in this way. [3 definitions]
thwack to hit or beat sharply and vigorously with something flat; whack. [3 definitions]
thwart to hinder, oppose, or frustrate. [5 definitions]
thy a possessive form of "thou" (used chiefly in earlier literature and religious writing); your.
thylakoid a disc-shaped, membranous sac that is the site of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis in cyanobacteria and the chloroplasts of green plants.
thyme any of several herbs, related to mint and native to southern Europe, that have small aromatic leaves. [2 definitions]
thymine a white crystalline organic base that is an essential component of DNA.
thymol a white crystalline aromatic solid derived from thyme oil or synthesized and used in mouthwashes and nasal sprays, perfumes, and preservatives.
thymosin any of several hormones secreted by the thymus that stimulate the immune system by promoting the development of T cells.
thymus a vestigial ductless gland or glandular structure found in vertebrates, usu. at the base of the neck, that is active during childhood in modifying white blood cells and building resistance to disease, but becomes inactive in the adult.
thyristor any of several electronic devices, esp. a silicon-controlled rectifier, that convert alternating current to direct current.
thyro- thyroid.
thyroid of, pertaining to, or affecting the thyroid gland. [5 definitions]
thyroidectomy a surgical operation in which all or part of the thyroid gland is removed.
thyroid gland a two-lobed endocrine gland that is located on both sides of the trachea, with a slender connecting tissue, and that produces secretions that control growth and metabolism.
thyrotropin a hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary that stimulates and regulates the development and secretion of thyroxine.
thyroxine the thyroid hormone that contains iodine and regulates metabolism, or a synthetic preparation of the same compound used to treat thyroid disorders.
thyrsus a branched flower cluster, as of the lilac, in which the main stem does not terminate in a flower but the lateral stems do.
thyself the reflexive form of thou (used chiefly in earlier literature and religious writing); yourself.