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ticklish sensitive to tickling. [3 definitions]
tick-tack-toe a game for two players, one marking X's and the other marking O's in turn on a grid of nine squares until one succeeds in filling three squares with the same mark in a row down, across, or on a diagonal.
ticktock the ticking sound of a mechanical clock, metronome, or the like. [2 definitions]
ticky-tacky (informal) poorly made or unimaginative in design; cheap; shoddy. [2 definitions]
tidal of, pertaining to, having, or caused by tides. [2 definitions]
tidal pool a body of seawater that remains as a rocky pool on the shore when a tide recedes; tide pool.
tidal wave an unusual rise or incursion of the sea, caused by an underwater quake, a hurricane, or the like; tsunami. [2 definitions]
tidbit an appetizing or choice bit, as of food, gossip, or news.
tiddlywinks (used with a sing. verb) a table game in which the players press large plastic disks against the rims of small ones in order to flick the latter into a cup.
tide the periodic change, occurring about every twelve hours, in the height of the surface of oceans and nearby bodies of water, or a specific instance of this change. Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun. [6 definitions]
tideland coastal land commonly covered and uncovered by tides.
tideless combined form of tide.
tidemark the mark or line left by debris deposited by a receding tide. [2 definitions]
tide over to support through some temporary difficulty, usu. a shortage of money.
tide pool a body of seawater that remains as a rocky pool on the shore when a tide recedes; tidal pool.
tiderip a rip current caused by conflicting tides, or by a tidal current flowing over a rough seabed.
tidewater water brought up or affected by the tide. [2 definitions]
tidings (sometimes used with a sing. verb) news or information.
tidy neat and orderly in appearance, arrangement, manner of proceeding, or the like. [5 definitions]
tie to fasten, secure, or bind with a cord or string. [15 definitions]
tieback a strip of fabric, braid, or the like, looped around the width of a curtain or drape to hold it open to one side of a window or door.