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trade school a school, often a secondary school, in which the emphasis is on the teaching of skilled trades.
trade secret something such as a formula, device, or process that is the guarded property of only one business or individual and provides an advantage over competitors in afield.
tradesman a man employed in trade, esp. retail; dealer.
tradespeople persons working in trade; tradesmen; tradeswomen.
tradeswoman a woman employed in trade; dealer.
trade union a labor union consisting of workers who are skilled in a particular craft or trade, esp. as distinguished from a union for workers in a given company or industry.
trade wind a wind or wind system in the tropics and subtropics that blows steadily toward the equator, usu. from a northeasterly direction north of the equator and southeasterly south of it.
trading the act or activity of exchanging items or buying or selling goods. [2 definitions]
trading post a store or station, usu. in a remote, sparsely populated area, in which local products can be traded for goods brought from distant markets.
trading stamp a stamp given as a premium to a retail customer that can be accumulated with other such stamps and traded in specified quantities for specified merchandise.
tradition the process of handing down a culture's beliefs, customs, and mores from one generation to the next, or the psychological force that this process exerts. [2 definitions]
traditional of or pertaining to customs and ways of doing things within a particular culture that are passed down from one generation to the next with little change. [3 definitions]
traditionalism adherence to traditional beliefs, values, and customs, esp. religious ones.
traditionally in accordance with a long-established way of doing things within a particular culture
traditionless combined form of tradition.
traduce to make malicious or false statements about; slander.
traffic the movement of vehicles or pedestrians along a road, path, river, or other route of travel. [6 definitions]
trafficable combined form of traffic.
traffic circle a circular roadway or street, in which traffic moves in one direction only, that is situated at a busy intersection to facilitate traffic flow.
traffic island an area, usu. marked or elevated, in a roadway that separates traffic lanes or provides protection for pedestrians, traffic controllers, or the like.
traffic jam a slowing down or cessation of the flow of traffic due to a concentration of drivers in one area or an accident or other impediment.