tung oil |
a fast-drying oil derived from the seeds of the tung tree and used in paints, varnishes, and the like. |
tungsten |
a chemical element that has seventy-four protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure form as a gray metal solid with an extremely high melting point, used esp. in heat-resistant alloys and to make filaments for high-powered electric lamps; wolfram. (symbol: W) |
tungsten lamp |
an electric lamp with a tungsten filament or filaments that uses very low wattage. |
tungsten steel |
an alloy of steel and tungsten, having great hardness and high resistance to heat. |
tung tree |
any of several Asian trees whose seeds yield tung oil. |
tunic |
a loose-fitting, knee-length outer garment, often without sleeves and sometimes belted, worn esp. by the ancient Greeks and Romans. [4 definitions] |
tunicate |
any of several marine chordates, such as sea squirts, having a saclike body enclosed in a thick membrane or tunic. [3 definitions] |
tuning fork |
a small two-pronged metal device that when struck produces a tone in perfect pitch, used to tune musical instruments, test hearing, and the like. |
Tunis |
the seaport capital of Tunisia. [2 definitions] |
Tunisia |
a North African country on the Mediterranean Sea east of Algeria. |
tunnage |
tonnage. |
tunnel |
an underground or underwater passageway, as for a railroad through a mountain or for a road under a river or city. [6 definitions] |
tunnel disease |
see "aeroembolism." [2 definitions] |
tunnel vision |
an abnormal condition in which one loses peripheral vision. [2 definitions] |
tupelo |
any of several sour gum trees of swampy areas in the southern United States. [2 definitions] |
Tupi |
a member of any of several Indian peoples resident in various river valleys of Brazil, esp. the Amazon. [2 definitions] |
tuppence |
see "twopence." |
tuque |
in Canada, a knitted winter cap resembling a stocking cap of double thickness. |
turban |
a man's head covering worn especially by Sikhs and some Muslims. A turban is a long piece of cloth that is wrapped several times around the head. Some Hindu men also wear turbans. [3 definitions] |
turbellarian |
belonging to a class of mostly aquatic flatworms that have cilia on the surface of the body. [2 definitions] |
turbid |
clouded or murky because of stirred-up particles or sediment; muddy. [3 definitions] |