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UAR abbreviation of "United Arab Republic," the official name of Egypt in 1958-61. [2 definitions]
UAW abbreviation of "United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers" (formerly, United Automobile Workers).
ubiquitous being or appearing to be in all places at the same time; omnipresent.
ubiquity the condition of being, or seeming to be, everywhere at the same time; omnipresence.
U-boat a German submarine.
udder a large mammary organ with two or more glands, each with its own nipple, as in a cow or goat.
udon thick Japanese noodles made from wheat flour, salt, and water.
UFO abbreviation of "unidentified flying object."
ufology the study of photographs and reports of unidentified flying objects, esp. considered as spacecraft from other planets.
Uganda an East African country between Kenya and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
ugh used to express disgust, horror, aversion, or the like.
uglify to make ugly.
ugly having an unpleasant appearance; unattractive; unsightly. [4 definitions]
ugly duckling a person or thing that at first seems unattractive or unpromising, but later becomes beautiful or admirable.
Ugrian denoting or pertaining to an ethnic group that includes the Magyars and certain peoples of Siberia. [3 definitions]
Ugric a branch of the Finno-Ugric languages that includes Hungarian. [2 definitions]
uh used to show hesitation or uncertainty, often unintentionally, as in collecting one's thoughts.
UHF abbreviation of "ultrahigh frequency," any radio frequency between three hundred and three thousand megahertz.
uh-huh used to indicate a positive or affirmative response, or to show that one is paying attention.
uh-oh used to express a sudden knowledge or apprehension that something bad is about to happen.
uh-uh used to indicate a negative response.