ultrareliable |
combined form of reliable. |
ultrarespectable |
combined form of respectable. |
ultrarevolutionary |
combined form of revolutionary. |
ultrarich |
combined form of rich. |
ultraright |
combined form of right. |
ultrarightist |
combined form of rightist. |
ultraromantic |
combined form of romantic. |
ultraroyalist |
combined form of royalist. |
ultrasafe |
combined form of safe. |
ultrasecret |
combined form of secret. |
ultrasensitive |
combined form of sensitive. |
ultraserious |
combined form of serious. |
ultrasharp |
combined form of sharp. |
ultrasimple |
combined form of simple. |
ultraslow |
combined form of slow. |
ultrasmall |
combined form of small. |
ultrasmart |
combined form of smart. |
ultrasmooth |
combined form of smooth. |
ultrasoft |
combined form of soft. |
ultrasonic |
of or relating to sound frequencies beyond the range that can be heard by the human ear. |
ultrasonics |
(used with a sing. verb) the scientific study of ultrasonic sound waves and their use in fields such as medicine. |