unappeased |
combined form of appeased. |
unappetizing |
combined form of appetizing. |
unappreciable |
combined form of appreciable. |
unappreciated |
not acknowledged as having worth or value. |
unappreciative |
combined form of appreciative. |
unapproachable |
remote, aloof, or forbidding. [2 definitions] |
unappropriated |
combined form of appropriated. |
unapproved |
combined form of approved. |
unarm |
to deprive of weapons; disarm. |
unarmed |
without weapons or other defenses. [2 definitions] |
unarmored |
combined form of armored. |
unarrogant |
combined form of arrogant. |
unartistic |
combined form of artistic. |
unasked |
not asked. [2 definitions] |
unaspirated |
combined form of aspirated. |
unassailable |
not open to attack, doubt, or denial. [2 definitions] |
unassailed |
not attacked. |
unassembled |
combined form of assembled. |
unassertive |
combined form of assertive. |
unassigned |
combined form of assigned. |
unassimilated |
combined form of assimilated. |