unbutton |
to undo a button or buttons on (clothing or the like). |
uncalcified |
combined form of calcified. |
uncalcined |
combined form of calcined. |
uncalibrated |
combined form of calibrated. |
uncalled |
combined form of called. |
uncalled-for |
inappropriate or unjustified. [2 definitions] |
uncalloused |
combined form of calloused. |
uncanceled |
combined form of canceled. |
uncandid |
combined form of candid. |
uncandidly |
combined form of candidly. |
uncanny |
appearing to be beyond ordinary human or natural means or capacity. |
uncanonical |
combined form of canonical. |
uncap |
to remove a cap or covering from. |
uncapitalized |
combined form of capitalized. |
uncaptioned |
combined form of captioned. |
uncared-for |
not cared for; neglected. |
uncaring |
combined form of caring. |
uncarpeted |
combined form of carpeted. |
uncastrated |
combined form of castrated. |
uncataloged |
combined form of cataloged. |
uncatchy |
combined form of catchy. |