uncharismatic |
combined form of charismatic. |
uncharitable |
lacking charity, generosity, or kindness; severe; unforgiving. |
uncharming |
combined form of charming. |
uncharted |
not recorded on any map or chart; unexplored or unknown, as some geographical area or field of research. |
unchartered |
not officially authorized by a legal charter. |
unchaste |
impure or immodest, esp. in sexual conduct; not chaste. |
unchauvinistic |
combined form of chauvinistic. |
unchecked |
combined form of checked. |
unchewable |
combined form of chewable. |
unchewed |
combined form of chewed. |
unchic |
combined form of chic. |
unchildlike |
combined form of childlike. |
unchlorinated |
combined form of chlorinated. |
unchoreographed |
combined form of choreographed. |
unchristened |
combined form of christened. |
unchristian |
not Christian. [2 definitions] |
unchronicled |
combined form of chronicled. |
unchronological |
combined form of chronological. |
unchurch |
to expel from membership in a church; excommunicate. [2 definitions] |
unchurchly |
combined form of churchly. |
uncial |
(sometimes cap.) of, pertaining to, designating, or in a style of writing in large, rounded capital letters, used esp. in Greek and Latin manuscripts of the fourth to eighth century A.D. [2 definitions] |