unchic |
combined form of chic. |
unchildlike |
combined form of childlike. |
unchlorinated |
combined form of chlorinated. |
unchoreographed |
combined form of choreographed. |
unchristened |
combined form of christened. |
unchristian |
not Christian. [2 definitions] |
unchronicled |
combined form of chronicled. |
unchronological |
combined form of chronological. |
unchurch |
to expel from membership in a church; excommunicate. [2 definitions] |
unchurchly |
combined form of churchly. |
uncial |
(sometimes cap.) of, pertaining to, designating, or in a style of writing in large, rounded capital letters, used esp. in Greek and Latin manuscripts of the fourth to eighth century A.D. [2 definitions] |
uncinematic |
combined form of cinematic. |
uncircumcised |
not circumcised. |
uncivil |
lacking good manners or courtesy; impolite. [2 definitions] |
uncivilized |
not civilized; barbarous or wild. |
unclad |
not dressed or covered; naked. |
unclaimed |
combined form of claimed. |
unclarified |
combined form of clarified. |
unclasp |
to release from a grasp or embrace. [4 definitions] |
unclassifiable |
combined form of classifiable. |
uncle |
the brother or brother-in-law of one's father or mother. [2 definitions] |