uncloying |
combined form of cloying. |
uncoated |
combined form of coated. |
uncoating |
combined form of coating. |
uncoded |
combined form of coded. |
uncodified |
combined form of codified. |
uncoerced |
combined form of coerced. |
uncoercive |
combined form of coercive. |
uncoercively |
combined form of coercively. |
uncoil |
to straighten out from a coiled position; unwind. |
uncollected |
combined form of collected. |
uncollectible |
combined form of collectible. |
uncolored |
combined form of colored. |
uncombative |
combined form of combative. |
uncombed |
combined form of combed. |
uncombined |
combined form of combined. |
uncomely |
combined form of comely. |
uncomfortable |
feeling discomfort; not comfortable. [2 definitions] |
uncomfortably |
in a way that causes physical discomfort or pain. [2 definitions] |
uncomic |
combined form of comic. |
uncommercialized |
combined form of commercialized. |
uncommitted |
not pledged or bound to a particular position, course of action, person, or the like. |