unconfounded |
combined form of confounded. |
unconfuse |
combined form of confuse. |
uncongenial |
combined form of congenial. |
unconjugated |
combined form of conjugated. |
unconnected |
combined form of connected. |
unconquerable |
not able to be defeated or overcome; invincible. |
unconquered |
combined form of conquered. |
unconscionable |
not restrained or guided by conscience; unprincipled. [2 definitions] |
unconscious |
not conscious or aware. [4 definitions] |
unconsecrated |
combined form of consecrated. |
unconstitutional |
not allowed or authorized by, or not in accord with, the constitution of a state or nation. |
unconstrained |
combined form of constrained. |
unconstricted |
combined form of constricted. |
unconstructive |
combined form of constructive. |
unconsumed |
combined form of consumed. |
unconsummated |
combined form of consummated. |
uncontainable |
combined form of containable. |
uncontaminated |
combined form of contaminated. |
uncontemplated |
combined form of contemplated. |
uncontemporary |
combined form of contemporary. |
uncontentious |
combined form of contentious. |