unconstructive |
combined form of constructive. |
unconsumed |
combined form of consumed. |
unconsummated |
combined form of consummated. |
uncontainable |
combined form of containable. |
uncontaminated |
combined form of contaminated. |
uncontemplated |
combined form of contemplated. |
uncontemporary |
combined form of contemporary. |
uncontentious |
combined form of contentious. |
uncontested |
combined form of contested. |
uncontracted |
combined form of contracted. |
uncontradicted |
combined form of contradicted. |
uncontrived |
combined form of contrived. |
uncontrollable |
impossible to control or check. |
uncontrolled |
combined form of controlled. |
uncontroversial |
combined form of controversial. |
uncontroversially |
combined form of controversially. |
unconventional |
not conforming to convention, rule, or custom. |
unconverted |
combined form of converted. |
unconvinced |
combined form of convinced. |
unconvincing |
combined form of convincing. |
unconvoyed |
combined form of convoyed. |