uncropped |
combined form of cropped. |
uncross |
to move or release (usu. the legs) from a crossed position. |
uncrossable |
combined form of crossable. |
uncrowded |
combined form of crowded. |
uncrushable |
combined form of crushable. |
unction |
an act of anointing as a ceremonial, symbolic, religious, or healing gesture. [4 definitions] |
unctuous |
excessively or falsely earnest or amiable. [2 definitions] |
uncultivable |
combined form of cultivable. |
uncultivated |
combined form of cultivated. |
uncultured |
lacking culture or refinement. |
uncured |
combined form of cured. |
uncurious |
combined form of curious. |
uncurl |
to straighten. |
uncurrent |
combined form of current. |
uncurtained |
combined form of curtained. |
uncustomarily |
combined form of customarily. |
uncustomary |
combined form of customary. |
uncut |
not cut or separated, as pages in a newly printed book. [3 definitions] |
uncute |
combined form of cute. |
uncynical |
combined form of cynical. |
uncynically |
combined form of cynically. |