unerring |
making no mistakes; always accurate, correct, or appropriate. |
unescapable |
combined form of escapable. |
abbreviation of "United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization." |
unessential |
not necessary; trivial. [2 definitions] |
unestablished |
combined form of established. |
unethical |
not following or in accordance with the standards of right and wrong that are held by an individual or group. |
unevaluated |
combined form of evaluated. |
uneven |
not smooth, regular, or flat; rough or jagged. [5 definitions] |
uneventful |
not marked by interesting or unusual events; routine. |
unexacting |
combined form of exacting. |
unexaggerated |
combined form of exaggerated. |
unexamined |
combined form of examined. |
unexampled |
having no previous example or equal; unprecedented. |
unexcelled |
combined form of excelled. |
unexceptionable |
without flaw or fault; beyond objection or criticism. |
unexceptional |
not exceptional; ordinary; usual. [2 definitions] |
unexcitable |
combined form of excitable. |
unexcited |
combined form of excited. |
unexciting |
combined form of exciting. |
unexcused |
combined form of excused. |
unexotic |
combined form of exotic. |