unexplainable |
combined form of explainable. |
unexplained |
combined form of explained. |
unexploded |
set to detonate but not yet detonated. |
unexplored |
of or pertaining to a place, area, or field that has not been examined or investigated before. |
unexposed |
combined form of exposed. |
unexpressed |
combined form of expressed. |
unexpurgated |
of a book or other publication, retaining material that might be considered offensive by some readers; uncensored. |
unextraordinary |
combined form of extraordinary. |
unfailing |
not likely to be exhausted or used up; endless. [3 definitions] |
unfair |
violating accepted standards of fairness or just treatment. [2 definitions] |
unfaithful |
having violated a promise or obligation; disloyal. [3 definitions] |
unfaked |
combined form of faked. |
unfamiliar |
not previously experienced or known; unusual; strange. [2 definitions] |
unfamiliarity |
the lack of previous knowledge of or acquaintance with a particular thing. [2 definitions] |
unfamous |
combined form of famous. |
unfancy |
combined form of fancy. |
unfashionable |
not fashionable; not of the currently popular style or way of doing things. |
unfasten |
to release from fastenings; untie; undo; separate. [2 definitions] |
unfastidious |
combined form of fastidious. |
unfathomable |
not able to be imagined or comprehended. [2 definitions] |
unfavorable |
likely to have a bad result; inauspicious. [3 definitions] |