ungentle |
combined form of gentle. |
ungentlemanly |
combined form of gentlemanly. |
ungentrified |
combined form of gentrified. |
ungerminated |
combined form of germinated. |
ungifted |
combined form of gifted. |
ungird |
combined form of gird. |
unglamorized |
combined form of glamorized. |
unglamorous |
combined form of glamorous. |
unglazed |
combined form of glazed. |
unglue |
to separate by or as if by, dissolving glue or another adhesive. |
ungodly |
not conforming to or believing in religion; irreligious. [3 definitions] |
ungovernable |
unable to be governed, ordered, or controlled; uncontrollable. |
ungraceful |
combined form of graceful. |
ungracefully |
combined form of gracefully. |
ungracious |
lacking social manners or graces; discourteous; rude. |
ungraded |
combined form of graded. |
ungrammatical |
not conforming to the conventions and rules of grammar. |
ungraspable |
combined form of graspable. |
ungrateful |
not thankful for or appreciative of benefits or favors received. |
ungrouped |
combined form of grouped. |
unguarded |
not protected or guarded; vulnerable. [2 definitions] |